Generation 1 has been deprecated and is not recommended for new applications.

Generation 1
Running Locally

Convox can boot your application locally using Docker in an environment identical to production.

Installing Docker


Install Docker for Mac to get a local Docker environment.


Install Docker from your distribution’s default package manager.

Starting the Application

convox start

Use convox start to build and run your application locally.

$ cd ~/myapp
$ convox start
RUNNING: docker build -t knexsfvjdc ~/myapp
Sending build context to Docker daemon 8.192 kB
Step 0 : FROM ruby:2.2.2
 ---> 9664620d4c2a
Step 1 : EXPOSE 3000
 ---> Running in d2894bf8d64b
web    | docker run -i --name myapp-web -p 5000:3000 procfile/web sh -c ruby web.rb
web    | [2015-09-18 06:16:53] INFO  WEBrick 1.3.1
web    | [2015-09-18 06:16:53] INFO  ruby 2.2.2 (2015-04-13) [x86_64-linux]
web    | == Sinatra (v1.4.6) has taken the stage on 3000 for development with backup from WEBrick
web    | [2015-09-18 06:16:53] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=7 port=3000

This will read your docker-compose.yml and use the information found there to boot all of your app’s processes and apply configured links. Local code changes will be synced with your running processes in real time.

To exit convox start gracefully, press Ctrl+C. To force-quit, press Ctrl+C again.

File syncing

Local code changes will be synced with your running processes in real time. To disable this, pass the --no-sync flag to convox start.


Your app is rebuilt each time you run convox start, which takes advantages of Docker’s built-in caching mechanism by default. To bypass the cache and rebuild from scratch, you can pass the --no-cache flag to convox start.

Running without building

As explained above, your app is rebuilt each time you run convox start. If you’d like to skip the build step and start your app with previously built images, you can pass the --no-build flag to convox start.

Shifting ports

You can offset the external ports of processes run by convox start by a given number, allowing you to easily run multiple applications on one host without port conflicts.

There are two ways to accomplish this: via the --shift flag, or via service labels.

convox start --shift

Passing the --shift flag to convox start will offset the public ports of all services by the provided number. For example, on an app that normally publishes port 80, running convox start --shift 1 will publish port 81 instead, and update any corresponding port environment variables (SERVICENAME_PORT, etc) and container names.

Additionally, all other port labels (convox.port.<port>.protocol, convox.port.<port>.proxy, convox.port.<port>.secure) will have their port values shifted.

$ convox start
ERROR: ports in use: [80 443]
$ convox start --shift 1
build  │ running: docker build -f /home/aj/git/convox/site/Dockerfile -t site-staging/web /home/aj/git/convox/site
Sending build context to Docker daemon 19.95 MB 557.1 kB
web    │   Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.

convox.start.shift label

You can make this port shifting more persistent on a per-service basis with the convox.start.shift label in docker-compose.yml:

    - convox.start.shift=2

When shifting ports, you can view the differences with docker ps (ports 81 and 444 as opposed to 80 and 443):

$ docker ps
IMAGE               COMMAND                  PORTS                                              NAMES
convox/proxy        "proxy-link 444 4001 ">444/tcp                               site-staging-web-proxy-444
convox/proxy        "proxy-link 81 4001 t">81/tcp                                 site-staging-web-proxy-81
site-staging/web    "_bin/web"     >4001/tcp,>4001/tcp   site-staging-web

Your app will then be available at

Note: The --shift and convox.start.shift label values are cumulative. If you have services x and y, and you define convox.start.shift=1000 for the x service and then run convox start --shift 2000, service x will have its ports shifted by 3000 and service y will have its ports shifted by 2000.


convox start will read variables defined in a file called .env in the project root directory. For more information, see the Environment documentation.

Data persistence

If your app uses a database, you’ll find it useful to run a database container locally for development. To persist data for that container between starts, you can use Docker volumes to mount a host directory to the container’s data directory. For example, if you’re using the convox/postgres image, you can persist your data like this:

  image: convox/postgres
    - 5432
    - /var/lib/postgresql/data

Convox does not recommend running datastores as containers in your Rack. Instead, you should use a hosted service, such as the Postgres resource that Convox configures using Amazon RDS, or externally-hosted resources like’s MongoDB. For more information, see Resources.

Interacting with remote resources during development

If you have set up a database (or other) resource, you may wonder how to interact with it during local development.

You have several options:

Tunnel to remote databases

You can use convox rack resources proxy to tunnel to the remote production (or staging, or any) databas.

Use local containers

You can also use local containers as defined via the services in docker-compose.yml. The environment variables your app should use to communicate between containers will be automatic for linked services as described here.

You’ll want to scale the remote services to -1 to avoid creating unnecessary containers and load balancers in production.